What we do

Facilitate growth for innovation

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As the pace of change is increasing, businesses face unprecedented challenges: an increasing range of threats, a volatile economy and global competition. To stay competitive, innovation is key. But, innovation in itself is changing, focusing even more on value for the customer. We believe that successful innovations are achieved based on combined knowledge, both from inside and outside the industry. Today, innovation is co-creation.

GSE facilitates both dialogue and cooperation between its members, IBM and its partners through a series of events, working groups and training sessions, both at a national and regional level.

Our activities

Regional level

Working Groups


Maintain a constant flow of communication between industry colleagues at all levels. Exchange practical experience and ideas in all aspects of information technology and solutions both on a regional and international level, to enable better informed decision-making and meet professional challenges. Gain unique insights into future technologies and solutions.


Regional members, spread over 100 Working Groups across Europe

National Conference


Increase and actively share knowledge around cutting-edge technologies through presentations from key-note speakers and workshops. Network with local members and non-member representatives.


Open registration



European level

GSE Guide Technology Council (GTC)

replaces ISC and MAC


Gain insights into IBM’s upcoming Industry Solutions or Cross-Industry Topics through presentations on new technologies, strategies and customer cases, and discuss (Council sessions) demands, ideas and visions with the IBM-Lab.


IT Managers, Industry Specialists and Solution Architects

by invitation only

Limited to 15 participants only


2 yearly events, 1.5 days (Summer / Autumn)


See when our events are held

Join GSE

and the benefits are yours


and present your business